Monday, November 29, 2010

Mais um Ataque Terrorista do Wikileaks, Finalmente Obama vai Agir?

De quem é a culpa do profundo estrago aos interesses americanos que o grupo terrorista por trás do Wikileaks tem criado? Obviamente a culpa é do governo do incompetente, pretensioso e preguiçoso Barack Obama. Sua total desconsideração para esse sério problema apenas mostra o quanto esse presidente está cagando e andando para o seu país. Marc Thiessen corretamente aponta no Washington Post que:
The Obama administration has the ability to bring Assange to justice and to put WikiLeaks out of business. The new U.S. Cyber Command could shut down WilkiLeaks' servers and prevent them from releasing more classified information on President Obama's orders. But, as The Post reported this month, the Obama administration has been paralyzed by infighting over how, and when, it might use these new offensive capabilities in cyberspace. One objection: "The State Department is concerned about diplomatic backlash" from any offensive actions in cyberspace, The Post reported. Well, now the State Department can deal with the "diplomatic backlash" that comes from standing by helplessly, while WikiLeaks releases hundreds of thousands of its most sensitive diplomatic cables.
Because of its failure to act, responsibility for the damage done by these most recent disclosures now rests with the Obama administration. Perhaps this latest release crosses a line that will finally spur the administration to action. After all, the previous disclosures harmed only our war efforts. But this latest disclosure is a blow to a cause Democrats really care about - our diplomatic efforts. Maybe now, finally, the gloves will come off. Or is posting mournful tweets about the damage done to our national security the best this administration can do?


  1. Já que os yankees estão fazendo "outsourcing" até para as guerras que travam, pq não deixar o Mossad ou Shin Bet cuidar do assunto?

  2. Até agora não vi grande coisa. Se wikileaks fosse francês, aí a gente ia saber p q o bebum prefere rafale...
