Thursday, September 23, 2010

Iluminismo e Prosperidade

Por Joel Mokyr no City Journal:
Was the Enlightenment a Good Thing? At first blush, the question sounds almost sacrilegious. The eighteenth-century Enlightenment, after all, taught us to be democratic and to believe in human rights, tolerance, freedom of expression, and many other values that are still revered, if not always practiced, in modern societies. On the other hand, historians question whether the Enlightenment actually led to brotherhood and equality (it did not, of course), and even freedom, its third objective, was achieved only partially and late. Some have even suggested that its ideas of human “improvement” may have had unintended bad consequences such as twentieth-century totalitarianism, racism, and colonialism.
Yet the debate has obscured the most hardy and irreversible effect of the Enlightenment: it made us rich.

1 comment:

  1. Caros,

    A mim me parece que a definição de iluminismo está equivocada neste artigo. O objetivo do iluminismo não era liberdade, igualdade, etc.

    Seu objetivo era a supremacia da razão sobre a supertição, crendices e preconceitos. Liberdade, prosperidade e outros benefícios seriam consequências.

    Portanto, esta própria definição de iluminismo, não é muito iluminada, uma vez que coloca a ideologia (ou normativismo) à frente darazão.

