Wednesday, September 8, 2010

9/11: O Doutor Zawahri e a Restrição Orçamentária

Segue o melhor relato sobre o braço direito de Bin Laden e cérebro da Qaeda, Ayman al-Zawahri. O artigo escrito por Higgins e Cullison, Saga of Dr. Zawahri Sheds Light On the Roots of al Qaeda Terror, publicado originalmente pelo Wall Street Journal em Junho de 2002. Entre os detalhes encontramos uma curiosidade, bastante prosaica quando se trata de terroristas, a imperante restrição orçamentária:
Money grew tighter. Dr. Zawahri cut members' salaries in half and quibbled over their expense reports. "Why did you buy a new fax machine for $470? Where are the two old ones? Did you get permission to buy a new one?" he chided the Yemen cell. "Please explain the mobile phone invoice ... . Stop all expenses unless it is an emergency!"
The Yemen cell's chief sent a huffy reply: "The first step to implement this advice is my immediate resignation."

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