Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Por Que Ajuda Econômica Não Funciona?

Porque, obviamente, gera os incentivos errados. O notório caso africano, um fiasco em todos os sentidos, é o mais conhecido:
We have taken on too much responsibility for solving African problems. We have essentially educated them to, when problems arise, call for foreign aid first rather than trying to find solutions themselves.This attitude has become deeply rooted in Africa. This self-incapacitation is one of the most regrettable results of development cooperation thus far. Poorly designed development aid has made people dependent and accustomed them to a situation of perpetual assistance, preventing them from taking the initiative themselves. It is this situation which represents the greatest damage done, far worse than the enormous material losses engendered by failed aid projects. And there are many. Africa is strewn with idle tractors, ruined equipment and run-down buildings.

1 comment:

  1. O que SB acha dessa ajudinha?
