Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Rejeição do Teorema Black-Scholes-Valdomiro Pinto, Ph.D.

Valdomiro’s Law: a test

By Rob Jaramillo

Abstract: using three data points we show that Valdomiro’s law does not hold

Valdomiro’s law states that tight shirts and hair-gel are the main constraint to winning the world cup. In this paper I show, using nonlinear time series, that this does not hold up to empirical scrutiny. The theory is emphatically rejected.

Data and methodology
We use data from 1998 to 2006. Data was provided by IMF (Instituto Mineiro Federal). We can see that France won in 1998, Brasil in 2002 and Italy in 2006. France is the team of homem-aranha. Brasil had Ruinaldinho Gayucho and Gornaldo Cometravelo. Italy, there is not even need to mention they both use tight shirts and hair gel (and they even have argentinians I their team).

This rejects Valdomiro’s law emphatically. More research in needed on the causes of unsuccessful WC campaigns in the future. In fact, it is still likely that teams like Argentina, full of “cabeludos” metrosexuais may be successful in this WC. However, our model is not a forecasting model and we remain cautious about this point.

Roberto Jaramillo é especialista em finanças internacionais. Publicou o paper : “Puma or PPP? Why Spain is a Metrosexual Paradise”.

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