Thursday, January 28, 2010

Krugman Defende o Modelo Europeu

Artigo de Paul Krugman defendendo o modelo econômico europeu: "Europe has its economic troubles; who doesn’t? But the story you hear all the time — of a stagnant economy in which high taxes and generous social benefits have undermined incentives, stalling growth and innovation — bears little resemblance to the surprisingly positive facts. The real lesson from Europe is actually the opposite of what conservatives claim: Europe is an economic success, and that success shows that social democracy works".


Chutando a Lata said...

Eu também defendo.

Anonymous said...

Bullshit of Krugman!! ( having a Nobel prize doesn´t qualify in every aspect of life...), an Obamist and warmist that gives opinions but doesn´t quotes FACTS to substantiate his opinions...

Chutando a Lata said...

Quotando fatos em defesa de Krugman (fora os óbvios que ele citou e o maluquete não entendeu): tome, por exemplo, o número de prisioneiros nos EUA e na Europa do Euro.